13651747_273876316310145_1817102837_nPROTEIN2FOOD has been working closely with the Aarstiderne farm in Denmark to develop prototypes of protein-rich crops. They have grown over 100 new varieties of vegetables, including the protein-rich crops: quinoa, amaranth, millet, horse beans, lentils, and lupin.

Aarstiderne is an exciting Danish initiative promoting short supply chains, bringing food from farm to the dinner table, by delivering directly to households and local restaurants. It has allowed for PROTEIN2FOOD to get involved in the culinary sector as local restaurants show an interest. Such as restaurant 108, which has already started purchasing their products and using them in a variety of meals!

This activity was undertaken by the University of Copenhagen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (UCPH – PLEN).


Image 1 & 2: Photos from Aarstiderne farm, Denmark.