Sven Erik Jacobsen, project coordinator and renowned scientist, travelled to Lima in July 2017. He visited PROTEIN2FOOD partner, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), to see their progress in research about ancient grains, such as quinoa.

UNALM is working with a chef whose restaurant took second place in Lima’s best restaurants. Together they develop ideas and recipes for the culinary use of ancient protein-rich crops. They invited Sven Erik Jacobsen to taste their dishes.gastronomic-hotspot-lima

Lima has a rich gastronomic culture and is being praised as a candidate for the world’s greatest gourmet city! It’s full of creative young chefs benefiting from the diverse natural landscape and melting pot cuisine surrounding them.

UNALM is not only situated in the centre of a gastronomic hotspot, but it also has a strategic location. Jacobsen celebrated the good accessibility to local agricultural institutes and the quinoa tradition as its centre of origin. The accumulation of all these factors made UNALM the perfect choice to carry out this work package.

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