
1911, 2019

Get to know our SMEs! Novolyze

Novolyze is a Food Safety company. They offer solutions to help the food industry manufacture safer food, while ensuring strong compliance with international Food Safety & Quality standards. Their research mainly focuses on evaluating the inactivation of foodborne pathogens under different kinds of stress (heat, etc.).

1911, 2019

Registration is Open!

Register here WHAT TO EXPECT Food for the Future: Accelerating the Protein Transition is a one-day conference that will bring together stakeholders from across the food supply chain to showcase PROTEIN2FOOD final [...]

1909, 2019

Protein Crop Corner

PROTEIN2FOOD works with some of the most promising future food crops that have the potential to help Europe transition to more sustainable proteins. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Quinoa Quinoa belongs to the Chenopodiacea family and is [...]

1909, 2019

Understanding the Market for Protein-rich Crops

Seed crops and grain legumes have traditionally been culturally and culinary important crops across many countries in Europe, think chickpea soup from Greece or roasted faba bean snacks from Italy! Yet, analyses from the Universidad [...]